Perhaps the best way to start a month is with a New Moon, and that’s what April has in store. The Aries New Moon appears on April 1, 2022. It occurs in the bound of Venus/Aries. On April 2 Mercury will be in the “heart of the Sun”, its cazimi event. The conjunction takes place in the bound of Mercury/Aries. Both these events promise a high dose of Ariean energy in early April.
Jupiter entered Pisces at the end of last year (Dec. 28, 2021) and made its last appearance in the western sky around mid-February this year. Having disappeared for about six weeks, he will make his heliacal rising appearance early this month (in New York, you should be able to spot this rising by April 10). This is a very strong Jupiter in his own sign (Pisces). Venus leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces on April 5, 2022. Venus is exalted in Pisces, so at this point, the two benefics will have very strong essential dignity. Look out for the best traits of Pisces: empathy and sensitivity.
The Aquarian themes promised by the heliacal rising of Saturn last month continue to have prominence this month, with Mars playing its part. Mars moved to Aquarius in March and on April 4 he will be conjunct Saturn in Aquarius (22AQU24’ bound Mars/Aquarius). This is the second of the Saturn-Mars conjunction series in Aquarius. The first took place on March 31, 2020.
Even though Mars will separate from Saturn after this conjunction, Mercury will repeat their alliance. On April 7 Mercury in Aries sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. It then separates from Saturn and applies on the next day to Mars. This makes the Saturn-Mars conjunction very potent as the same story is repeated with Mercury’s interaction.
The Aries Sun sextiles Saturn on April 12 and then pursues Mars with a sextile aspect. But the aspect never materializes (at least when the Sun is in Aries) and Mars escapes into Pisces on April 14.
Mercury ingresses into Taurus on April 10 and makes his first evening appearance ( in the western sky) on April 13. Mercury’s visibility will improve as the month progresses. Mercury in Taurus sextiles the Piscean Venus on April 17. This is a very beneficial aspect where art, beauty, and aesthetics can be pleasantly incorporated into business and communication. Do note that Mercury will eventually square Saturn in Aquarius on April 24. This is a challenging aspect in the fixed signs. One can interpret Mercury as transferring light from Venus to Saturn with great friction.
Don’t miss the Full Moon in Libra (26LIB45’ bound Venus/Libra) on April 16. This is the Pink Moon, named so due to pink flowers blossoming this month (early spring). This Full Moon is also important culturally as Easter is traditionally calculated based on the Full Moon appearing after the March equinox. Easter is celebrated on April 17 this year. The Sun enters Taurus on April 19.
Mercury sextiles Jupiter in Pisces on April 27 and this is a very positive aspect as well. We can see Mercury’s transit in Taurus and aspecting Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter as equivalent to bringing their energies together. The fact that Jupiter, the greater benefic, collects all the light is fortuitous. Mercury will have his greatest elongation in the western sky on April 29 and on the same day he ingresses into his sign of domicile – Gemini.
On April 30 we have a New Moon in Taurus. The New Moon occurs close to the lunar nodes and hence we have a solar eclipse on this date. This is a partial solar eclipse occurring at 10TAU28’ (bound Mercury/Taurus) and visible in south/west South America, the Pacific and Atlantic oceans, and Antarctica.
The eclipse is a North Node Solar Eclipse. North Node solar eclipses favor solar personalities – kings, heads of state, CEOs, and the famous. North Node eclipses increase affairs promised by the eclipse’s bound and the bound ruler.
Mercury/Taurus, the eclipse bound, promises an increase in natural resources mining (think oil, perhaps) and financial/banking activities. Taurus is the sign of the arts, so one can expect an increase in art displays and art education. The bound ruler Mercury is placed in the sign of Gemini. Mercury/Gemini signifies speedy communication and favors the print and media industry. Remember that the effects of a solar eclipse can be seen even months after the eclipse date (usually triggered by transits of planets to the eclipse degree).
Don’t forget the Jupiter-Venus conjunction in Pisces on the same day (April 30) favoring compassion, peace, and aesthetically pleasing art, of course. The conjunction takes place in the bound Mars/Pisces and with Mars in Pisces as well look out for martyrs and sacrificing tendencies, albeit in a positive way.
The North Node is in the bound Saturn/Taurus this month. The South Node moves from bound Saturn/Scorpio to Jupiter/Scorpio on April 15.
April is probably a good month for elections based on Jupiter, Venus, and Pisces with both benefics having good essential dignity and visibility. Look for Pisces in your birth chart and expect positivity in that area. Read the Pisces article to refresh your knowledge. The solar eclipse looks favorable for prominent people and promises natural resources mining. Just be aware of the Saturn-Mars conjunction (April 4) and probably the Mercury-Saturn square (April 24) and tread carefully. Pay attention to the skies, compare your inner world with the outer world and learn from it. Don’t get bogged down with choosing a perfect election. Things unfold best when they happen naturally.
Here is the full summary of events (timezone is New York time):
- 1-Apr-2022 2:24 AM – New Moon Aries 11ARI30′ (bound Venus/Aries)
- 2-Apr-2022 – Mercury cazimi 13ARI11′ (bound Mercury/Aries)
- 4-Apr-2022 9:51 PM – Mars conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius 22AQU24′ (bound Mars/Aquarius)
- 5-Apr-2022 11:18 AM – Venus enters Pisces
- early-April-2022 – Jupiter heliacal rising
- 7-Apr-2022 8:37 AM – Mercury/Aries sextiles Saturn/Aquarius
- 7-Apr-2022 1:31 PM – Mars 24AQU24′ (bound Mars/Aquarius) square Nodes
- 8-Apr-2022 2:18 PM – Mercury/Aries sextiles Mars/Aquarius
- 10-Apr-2022 10:10 PM – Mercury ingress into Taurus
- 12-Apr-2022 8:14 PM – Sun/Aries sextiles Saturn/Aquarius
- 13-Apr-2022 – Mercury evening rise (first day of visibility)
- 14-Apr-2022 11:06 PM – Mars enters Pisces
- 16-Apr-2022 2:54 PM – Full Moon in Libra 26LIB45′ (bound Venus/Libra)
- 17-Apr-2022 9:08 PM – Mercury/Taurus sextiles Venus/Pisces
- 19-Apr-2022 10:24 PM – Sun enters Taurus
- 21-Apr-2022 6:29 AM – Saturn 23AQU40′ (bound Mars/Aquarius) square Nodes
- 24-Apr-2022 3:29 AM – Mercury conjuncts North Node in Taurus 23TAU31′ (bound Saturn/Taurus)
- 24-Apr-2022 9:49 AM – Mercury/Taurus squares Saturn/Aquarius
- 27-Apr-2022 1:11 AM – Mercury/Taurus sextiles Jupiter/Pisces
- 29-Apr-2022 – Mercury greatest elongation (east evening)
- 29-Apr-2022 6:23 PM – Mercury ingress into Gemini
- 30-Apr-2022 4:27 PM – New Moon / Solar Eclipse in Taurus 10TAU28′ (bound Mercury/Taurus)
- 30-Apr-2022 5:13 PM – Venus conjuncts Jupiter in Pisces 27PIS57′ (bound Mars/Pisces)
Thanks to and for planetary information. Thanks to Dr. H for eclipse delineation education.
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