Category: Rectifications

  • Petrarch Rectification

    Petrarch Rectification

    For more information on birth time rectification, please refer to the three stages of rectification explained by Dr. H in his A Rectification Manual.

    Stage 1: Determine the Ascendant Sign

    Astro-Databank reports Francis Petrarch’s birth time as 4:33 a.m. based on the biography Petrarch and His World by Morris Bishop, which states that “[h]e entered the world as day was dawning”. This birth time yields a Leo rising chart with Ascendant 1LEO41’.

    I agree with the Leo Ascendant. Petrarch’s life and persona resonate with the characteristics of this sign: a noble and ambitious nature with a craving for fame. The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Leo illuminates his scholarly pursuits and eloquent expression, driving his desire to shine brightly in the annals of history as a poet and scholar.

    Saturn in Libra in the third house represents a significant relationship in Petrarch’s life—that with his elder brother, Gherardo. This placement signifies Gherardo’s disciplined and ascetic life after he entered a Carthusian monastery.

    The Moon in Pisces in the eighth house unveils the depth of Petrarch’s emotional world, particularly his unrequited love for Laura. The placement matches the emotional distress and pain that inspired his poignant and soul-stirring sonnets.

    Venus in Gemini in the 11th house denotes Petrarch’s many friends with whom he communicated through letters, while the South Node in the 11th house represents the loss of friends that he experienced.

    In a Leo Ascendant chart, Mars rules the fourth and the ninth house. This heralds Petrarch’s inherent restlessness and an inability to settle down in one place. Petrarch is considered the “first tourist” and was always a wanderer.

    With the Ascendant, Sun and Mercury in Leo, I jump directly to stage three, focusing on solar arcs. Below are the solar arcs and primary directions for the rectified time.

    Solar Arcs

    A note about the terminology used:

    • d.s.a = Direct Solar Arc
    • c.s.a = Converse Solar Arc

    1329 – Philological restoration of Livy’s Decades

    Jupiter/Virgo in bound Mercury/Virgo

    6-Jan-1329 d.s.a ASC conjunct Jupiter
    17-Mar-1329 c.s.a Jupiter conjunct ASC

    Between 1328 and 1329, Petrarch embarked on the meticulous philological endeavor of restoring the text of Livy’s Decades. He obtained a copy of the Chartres Livy manuscript. Dedicating himself to this scholarly task, Petrarch devoted considerable time to examining and contrasting the various versions of the text.

    1336-1337 – Trip to Rome

    22-Dec-1336 d.s.a ASC sextile Mars
    22-Apr-1337 c.s.a Mars sextile ASC
    4-Feb-1337 REG [Mars/Leo] sin trine MC d. ---> Sun

    On December 26, 1336, Cardinal Giovanni Colonna dispatched Petrarch on a journey toward Rome. Undertaken in January 1337, this voyage was fraught with danger due to ongoing conflicts among the Roman nobility. On January 26, 1337, Petrach found himself caught in a family feud in Capricana involving Bishop Giacomo Colonna, the Bishop’s brother, and 100 armed horsemen. During this tumultuous period, Petrarch found solace and focus in composing poetry.

    1341 – Crowned poet laureate

    Sun/Mercury conjunction in Leo in the ASC; bound Jupiter/Leo

    7-Nov-1340 d.s.a MC sextile Sun
    8-Apr-1341 c.s.a Sun sextile MC **LOCK**
    25-Feb-1341 d.s.a MC sextile Mercury
    30-Jul-1341 c.s.a Mercury sextile MC
    3-Apr-1341 PT [Mercury/Aries] sin trine N.Node d. ---> Fortune

    In the fall of 1340, Petrarch diligently prepared for an examination to become poet laureate, while simultaneously crafting the speech he would deliver at the ceremony. The following February and March found him in Naples, undergoing the examination alongside King Robert (Mercury-MC direction, Mercury is Cazimi). During this time, he formed friendships with fellow scholars Barbato da Sulmona and Giovanni Barrili.

    Petrarch’s momentous day arrived on April 8, 1341. In a grand ceremony held within the audience hall of the Senatorial Palace on Rome’s Capitoline Hill, he presented his Coronation Oration (Collatis laureationis). Orso dell’Anguillara then officially bestowed upon Petrarch the honor of poet laureate and the privilege of Roman citizenship, marking a high point in his literary career.

    1342 – Obtains canonry in Pisa

    Jupiter in second house rules Lot of Fortune

    18-Nov-1341 d.s.a MC square Jupiter
    27-Apr-1342 c.s.a Jupiter square MC

    Benedict XII’s tenure as pope concluded with his death on April 25, 1342. In the wake of Benedict’s passing, Clement VI ascended to the papal throne on May 7, 1342. One of Clement VI’s first decisions was to nominate Petrarch for a canonry at the Pisa Cathedral, acting on Cardinal Colonna’s recommendation.

    On May 22, 1342, Clement VI formally affirmed Petrarch’s appointment as a canon at the Pisa Cathedral. Petrarch benefited from this position until 1355, although he managed his duties and received his entitlements via a proxy.

    1344 – Receives reproachful letter from “Socrates”

    Saturn/Libra in the third house

    15-May-1344 d.s.a Saturn square ASC
    12-Nov-1344 c.s.a ASC square Saturn

    In the fall of 1344, Petrarch was the recipient of a stern letter from somebody named “Socrates” in Avignon. Cardinal Colonna might have played a role in prompting this correspondence. The letter conveyed that the pope was considering Petrarch for a potentially rewarding position within the papal court. In response, Petrarch firmly stated his intention to remain where he was, expressing his aversion to returning to the disagreeable conditions he associated with Avignon.

    1350-1351 – Friendship with Boccaccio and the Petrarch Club

    Venus/Gemini in the 11th house

    12-Jul-1350 d.s.a Venus conjunct ASC
    8-Mar-1351 c.s.a ASC conjunct Venus

    In the summer of 1350, a literary friendship blossomed. Giovanni Boccaccio, residing in Florence, wrote to Petrarch expressing his frustration over the difficulty of acquiring copies of Petrarch’s works and included one of his own poems for Petrarch’s critique. Petrarch’s warm response marked the beginning of their famous correspondence.

    In March 1351, the friendship between Petrarch and Boccaccio deepened when Boccaccio visited Petrarch in Padua, bringing passionate messages from the members of the “Petrarch Club” [see next solar arc]. This visit underscored the strong bonds of friendship and intellectual exchange connecting Petrarch, Boccaccio, and the broader literary community of the time​​.

    1350 – Trip to Rome for the Jubilee, meets fans

    North Node – MC Solar Arc

    16-Mar-1350 d.s.a N.Node square MC
    7-Nov-1350 c.s.a MC square N.Node

    In October 1350, on a trip to Rome for the Jubilee, Petrarch stopped in Florence. There he met Giovanni Boccaccio, along with other literary figures like Zanobi da Strada, Francesco Nelli, and Lapo da Castiglionchio. Notably, Boccaccio introduced Petrarch to what could be described as a “Petrarch Club”, a group of admirers and scholars dedicated to Petrarch’s works​​. The club received Petrarch with an adulation that would have embarrassed any ordinary man.

    1351 – Turns down papal secretary offer, writes anti-papal letters

    South Node in bound Venus/Gemini in the 11th house

    13-Mar-1351 PT [Venus/Gemini] S.Node d. ---> MC
    11-Nov-1351 d.s.a MC conjunct S.Node

    In March 1351, Giovanni Boccaccio made a visit to Petrarch in Padua, bringing with him an offer for Petrarch to take up a prestigious professorship at the University of Florence. Petrarch graciously declined the position. Following this refusal, the Florentine authorities once again seized the property of the Petrarch family. Around the same time, Petrarch was the recipient of a pressing and warm-hearted letter from two cardinals in Avignon. This letter relayed a message from the Pope himself, urging Petrarch to come back to the Papal Court, accompanied by a tempting but ambiguous promise of potential benefits.

    In the autumn of 1351, Petrarch chose to reject an offer to become the papal secretary. During the same period, he dedicated himself to writing additional letters for his collection known as Sine nomine, which includes letters critical of the papacy.

    1355 – Zanobi da Strada crowned poet laureate

    12-May-1355 d.s.a S.Node conjunct Sun
    24-Feb-1356 c.s.a Sun conjunct S.Node

    On May 15, 1355, Zanobi da Strada was crowned poet laureate by Charles IV in Pisa, a decision that greatly irked Boccaccio, who refused to acknowledge the validity of the accolade.

    Originally a humble schoolteacher and a less distinguished poet from Florence, Zanobi rose to a high position in the Neapolitan court largely thanks to Petrarch. His credentials for the laureateship were virtually nonexistent, apart from the Neapolitan seneschal’s ambition to appoint a laureate to his court.

    Petrarch was deeply troubled by Zanobi’s crowning, feeling it undermined the prestige of his own laurel. However, Petrarch eventually renewed his friendship with Zanobi, despite often reprimanding him in a rather authoritative manner, especially for Zanobi’s interest in a trivial book titled How to Get Rich.

    1357 – Works on De otio religioso

    Saturn/Libra in third house 

    3-Sep-1357 d.s.a ASC conjunct Saturn
    14-Jul-1358 c.s.a Saturn conjunct ASC

    In 1347, a visit to the Carthusian monastery of Montrieux sparked inspiration in Petrarch. He journeyed there to see his brother Gherardo, who had become a monk in 1343. This visit led Petrarch to compose a short treatise specifically for the monks – De otio religioso, translated as On Monastic Tranquility. Essentially, the work serves as a sermon extolling the virtues of a reclusive religious life. Later, in 1357, Petrarch undertook a revision of De otio religioso

    1361 – Serves as Milan’s ambassador

    Jupiter/Virgo rules fifth house of ambassadors, legates

    21-Feb-1360 d.s.a Jupiter opposed MC
    27-Jan-1361 c.s.a MC opposed Jupiter

    In January 1361, Petrarch embarked on a significant diplomatic mission. Representing Milan, he traveled to Paris for the festivities celebrating King John the Good’s release from English captivity after four long years. 

    Beyond the celebratory atmosphere, Petrarch had another crucial role to play. On January 13, acting as an ambassador for Gian Galeazzo Visconti, the Duke of Milan, Petrarch delivered an impressive Latin speech before King John. The oration focused on the concept of fortune, a theme that greatly interested Petrarch throughout his life.

    1373 – Serves in peace delegation to Venice

    Jupiter/Virgo rules the fifth house of ambassadors, legates

    25-May-1372 d.s.a MC sextile Jupiter
    27-Sep-1373 c.s.a Jupiter sextile MC
    16-Oct-1373 d.s.a Sun sextile ASC

    On September 27, 1373, Petrarch embarked on a journey to Venice to present an oration on behalf of Francesco I da Carrara to the Venetians and introduce Francesco II da Carrara, signaling Padua’s acknowledgment of its allegiance to the maritime republic.

    On October 2, 1373, Petrarch took part in a delegation aimed at fostering peace with Venice, where he delivered the opening address with a quivering voice. The city had previously shown him great kindness—including offering him a house—but Petrarch’s reciprocation seemed influenced by personal gains rather than genuine gratitude, highlighting a tactless approach to his diplomatic and personal interactions with the city. However, his speech beautifully articulated the notion that disputes among lovers ultimately serve to deepen their affection, and was met without objection. 

    Primary Directions

    A note about the terminology used:

    13-Sep-1347 PT [Jupiter/Pisces] dex trine Mars(l=p) c. —> MC

    • The direction method PT or REG represent Ptolemy or Regiomantanus directions. In the above example, the type of direction is Ptolemy (also referred to as Alchabitius or Placidus-Classic primary directions).
    • The Promissor (the planet, aspect, or planet that moves with the celestial sphere) is the dexter trine aspect of Mars. The full latitude of the planet is used for the primary direction, hence shown as (l=p). (l=BI) indicates interpolated latitude based on the method of Bianchini.
    • The Significator is the point held fixed on the celestial sphere. The Midheaven is the significator in this example.
    • c. or d. represents converse (west to east) or direct (east to west) motion. In this example the direction is converse. The dexter trine aspect of Mars is moved along the celestial sphere to meet the Midheaven.
    • The Distributor is the bound placement of the Promissor. In this example, the distributor is Jupiter/Pisces.

    1330 – Works as household chaplain

    Saturn/Libra conjunct IC

    5-Nov-1330 PT [Mars/Libra] IC d. ---> Saturn(l=p)
    19-Apr-1331 PT [Mars/Libra] IC d. ---> Saturn

    In Avignon during the fall of 1330, Petrarch became a household chaplain for Cardinal Giovanni Colonna, Bishop Giacomo Colonna’s brother. He remained in this position full-time until 1337, and then continued to serve Colonna on and off until 1347.

    1335 – Appointed canon in cathedral at Lombez

    Jupiter in the second house rules Lot of Fortune and the North Node in Sagittarius in the fifth house of ambassadors

    4-Nov-1334 PT [Mercury/Virgo] Jupiter(l=p) d. ---> ASC
    6-Jun-1335 PT [Mercury/Virgo] Jupiter d. ---> ASC

    Pope John XXII’s death on December 4, 1334, paved the way for Cardinal Fournier’s coronation as Pope Benedict XII on January 8. This new papacy saw Petrarch secure a canonry at the Lombez cathedral on January 25, a position that offered income without requiring residency (he would eventually resign in 1355).

    In the summer of 1335, while he was in Avignon, Petrarch’s diplomatic talents were called upon by Azzo da Correggio and Guglielmo da Pastrengo, ambassadors for Mastino II della Scala, the lord of Verona. Mastino, having recently seized Parma, sought papal backing. Thanks to Petrarch’s successful advocacy, Mastino obtained the desired support from the new pope.

    1340 – Invitation to become poet laureate

    Sun in bound Jupiter/Leo; Sun-NNode direction

    20-Aug-1340 REG [Mars/Scorpio] sin square Sun c. ---> N.Node

    In a remarkable twist of fate, the morning of September 1, 1340, saw Petrarch receive an invitation from the Roman Senate to be crowned poet laureate in Rome. Later that very day, a courier arrived from Roberto de’ Bardi, bearing a similar invitation from the esteemed University of Paris. Petrarch found himself faced with the delightful dilemma of choosing between two incredible honors.

    1346, 1366 – De vita solitaria

    Saturn/Libra in the third house

    25-Mar-1346 REG [Mercury/Scorpio] sin square ASC d. ---> Saturn(l=p)
    18-May-1346 REG [Mercury/Scorpio] sin square ASC d. ---> Saturn
    18-Mar-1366 REG [Saturn/Libra] Saturn(l=p) d. ---> dex trine N.Node

    In January 1346, upon Philippe de Cabassoles’ return to Provence from Italy, Petrarch extended a charming poetic invitation for him to enjoy the simple pleasures of Vaucluse. Philippe accepted, spending a delightful two weeks there, an experience that motivated Petrarch to pen his De vita solitaria.

    In the spring of 1346, during Lent, Petrarch began drafting De vita solitaria, a project that would span over two decades, concluding in 1371. This work, revisited intermittently throughout the years, explores the joys and fulfillment found in a solitary life, contrasting it with the stresses and burdens of city life.

    Twenty years after the project’s inception, in the spring of 1366, Petrarch finalized De vita solitaria and dispatched a copy to its dedicatee Philippe, fulfilling the promise of the work’s dedication.

    1346 – Canonry at Parma

    Jupiter in the second house rules Lot of Fortune

    17-Aug-1346 PT [Mercury/Libra] sin sextile ASC d. ---> Jupiter
    15-Nov-1346 PT [Mercury/Libra] sin sextile ASC d. ---> Jupiter(l=p)

    In 1346, Petrarch approached Pope Clement VI, seeking appointment to an available canonry and archdeaconry at the Parma Cathedral. The pope approved the request for the canonry, which came with a desirable income. On October 29, 1346, Clement VI officially appointed Petrarch to the canonry in Parma.

    1347 – Cola Di Rienzo’s revolt

    Mars/Cancer in the 12th house rules Midheaven, distributor Jupiter/Pisces indicates pardon

    17-Mar-1347 PT [Jupiter/Pisces] dex trine Mars(l=BI) c. ---> MC
    17-May-1347 PT [Jupiter/Pisces] dex trine Mars c. ---> MC
    14-Sep-1347 PT [Jupiter/Pisces] dex trine Mars(l=p) c. ---> MC

    On May 20, 1347, Cola di Rienzo rallied his supporters and took control of Rome’s Capitoline buildings without facing any opposition. This was largely because Stefano I Colonna had led Rome’s militia away to gather food, and two other important senators were absent.

    On September 14, 1347, Cola di Rienzo called a meeting at the Capitol with all the barons within his reach. In a deceitful move, he arrested and imprisoned them. The barons pleaded for mercy from the Roman Parliament.

    As the time approached to execute so many of the nobility, Cola di Rienzo found himself wavering. Ultimately, he declared that the barons had shown remorse and submitted to the will of the people. He honored them with rings and bestowed upon them unique titles, then led them in a procession to attend Mass.

    Petrarch initially supported Cola di Rienzo due to their shared admiration for ancient Roman values and hopes for a revived Roman Republic. However, as Rienzo’s rule became increasingly authoritarian and chaotic, Petrarch’s enthusiasm waned, leading to a complete withdrawal of support when Rienzo was accused of heresy and tyranny. Ultimately, Cola di Rienzo’s downfall ended with his violent death in 1354, when he was killed by a mob in Rome after a brief resurgence in power.

    1358 – A Guide to the Holy Land

    Saturn/Libra in the third house conjunct IC

    2-Mar-1358 PT [Saturn/Leo] ASC c. ---> Saturn
    29-Jun-1358 PT [Saturn/Leo] ASC c. ---> Saturn(l=p)

    In the spring of 1358, Petrarch’s friend Giovanni Mandelli, a prominent figure in Milanese politics, invited him on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Though flattered, Petrarch could not overcome his fear of the sea and seasickness.

    Unable to make the journey himself, Petrarch offered a unique substitute: a guide titled Itinerarium ad sepulchrum domini nostri Yehsu Christi (Journey to the Sepulchre of Our Lord Jesus Christ). Written in just three days between March and April 1358, the guide functioned as a letter to a friend, a “brief itinerary” for Mandelli’s pilgrimage.

    This work, however, was more than just a travelogue. Following the tradition of his earlier writing, it was a reflection of Petrarch himself. He intended the guide to be a “more stable effigy of my soul and intellect” alongside its practical purpose as a “description of places.”

    1358 – Letter from Francesco Nelli

    Venus/Gemini in the 11th house 

    5-Jun-1357 PT [Saturn/Aries] MC c. ---> Venus
    19-Mar-1358 PT [Saturn/Aries] MC c. ---> Venus(l=p)

    On March 19, 1358, Francesco Nelli—having been dispatched to Avignon on ecclesiastical matters from Florence the previous year and taking up a position at the Roman Curia—reached out to Petrarch. In his correspondence, he shared his impressions of Petrarch’s son Giovanni, noting that he found him to be agreeable, knowledgeable, and courteous. He playfully remarked to Petrarch, “You don’t expect him to be born an old man, do you?”

    Giovanni reciprocated his friend’s sentiments, cherishing the unexpected warmth and understanding he received from Nelli. He held Nelli in the highest regard, considering him to be the most esteemed individual in the world.

    1364 – Trip to Bologna, Casentino

    Sun exaltation ruler of ninth house; distributor Venus/Gemini

    25-Apr-1364 PT [Venus/Gemini] dex sextile ASC c. ---> Sun

    In the spring of 1364, Petrarch embarked on another journey. This time, his travels took him to Bologna, followed by a trip to the Casentino, a mountainous valley located east of Florence and north of Arezzo nestled within the Apennine mountain range. The distributor Venus/Gemini indicates Petrarch traveled primarily to meet friends.

    1368, 1371 – Death of grandson and failing health

    ASC-South Node direction

    27-Apr-1368 REG [Saturn/Leo] ASC d. ---> S.Node
    5-Apr-1371 PT [Venus/Gemini] S.Node c. ---> ASC

    A shadow fell over Petrarch’s life on May 19, 1368, when his grandson Francesco died in Pavia.In the spring of 1371, Philippe de Cabassoles extended an invitation to Petrarch to visit him in Avignon. Petrarch, initially eager for the trip, began packing his belongings. However, his frail health ultimately prevailed, and he was forced to yield to his body’s weakness.

  • Leonardo da Vinci Rectification

    Leonardo da Vinci Rectification

    For birth time rectification, I am following the 3-stages of rectification as explained by Dr.H in his A Rectification Manual.

    Stage 1: Determine the Ascendant Sign

    Astrodatabank reports Leonardo da Vinci’s birth time as 9:40 p.m. with AA rating. This yields a Sagittarius Ascendant.

    Sagittarius Ascendant is a no-brainer for the polymath whose mental pursuits included flight and flying.

    Stage 2: Determine the Ascendant’s range within 1-4 degrees

    Midheaven sign and bound

    The midheaven sign of Virgo ruled by Mercury in the 5th house of entertainment is consistent with Leonardo da Vinci’s career as an architect and choreographer of plays, pageants, festivities, and court theatrics.

    The bound of Mars also makes sense for the Midheaven. Leonardo’s career involved military designs and consultations and various hydraulic and engineering projects signified by Mars/Aquarius in the 3rd house. Also relevant is his interest in anatomy through dissection.

    Selecting the Midheaven in the bound Mars/Virgo restricts the birth time to between 9:19 p.m. to 9:45 p.m. with ASC Range from 2SAG30’ to 7SAG38’.


    For the final rectified time:

    Lot of Accusation/Exile/Injury : 06ARI38’   
    Antiscia                       : 23VIR21’   

    On April 9, 1476, Leonardo was charged with committing sodomy. The 1475 Solar Return has Venus as the ascendant ruler and is placed in the 12th house (secret enemies and imprisonment) in 8ARI38’ conjunct this Lot.

    Also transiting North Node was at 24VIR2’ conjunct the Antiscia of the Lot within a degree.


    For the rectified time of 9:32:06 p.m. with ASC 5SAG4’55”, consider the following profected ASC (yearly) aspects.

    Carnival in Milan

    1-Mar-1482 Prof. ASC sextile Jupiter  

    23-Feb-1482: “Ambrosian carnival” held in Milan around the time of Leonardo’s arrival in the city.

    Military engineer passport

    23-Aug-1502 Prof. ASC conjunct Mars  

    18-Aug-1502: Cesare Borgia awarded Leonardo a floridly written “passport”.

    Mars/Aquarius in the 3rd house is the military engineer passport. Also see Mars-ASC solar arc below.

    Letters requesting painting of young Christ

    5-Jun-1504: Prof. ASC conjunct Mercury  

    14-May and 27-May-1504: Letters from Isabelle d’Este to Leonardo da Vinci requested a devotional painting of “a youthful Christ of about 12 years old”.

    Mercury/Aries represents the letters regarding 12 year old Christ. Mercury, placed in the bound of Venus, indicates the painting request.

    Clay model of Sforza Horse exhibited at wedding

    23-Nov-1493 Prof. ASC conjunct Venus  

    Nov-1493: The clay model of the Sforza Horse (that Leonard built) was exhibited in late 1493, during the marriage of Ludovico’s niece Bianca to the Holy Roman Emperor, Maximilian of Hasburg. The wedding was celebrated in Milan on November 30.

    Venus is in its domicile in Taurus and it indicates the wedding, celebrations and the clay model of the horse.

    Stage 3: Determine the exact second of birth

    Solar Arcs

    Registered as member of painter’s confraternity

    11-Jul-1472 d.s.a Saturn conjunct MC   
    21-Jul-1472 c.s.a MC conjunct Saturn   

    In summer 1472 Leonardo officially registered as a member of the Compagnia di San Luca painter’s confraternity. He had completed his apprenticeship and was now embarking as a professional painter. Saturn in the sign of Venus in the 11th house is the painter’s confraternity.

    Collaboration with architect friend

    08-Apr-1492 c.s.a ASC square Saturn   
    24-Oct-1492 d.s.a Saturn square ASC  

    On March 29, 1492 the architect Donato Bramante began his project at the Santa Maria delle Grazie. Also in 1492, the architect collaborated with Leonardo to lay out a new square in Vigevano. Saturn in Libra in the 11th house is a good match for the collaboration with an architect friend.

    In October 1492, Leonardo was also discussing bronze casting problems with the architect Giuliano da Sangallo.

    Employed as military engineer and designer

    19-Aug-1502 c.s.a Mars trine ASC   
    13-Aug-1503 d.s.a ASC trine Mars  

    The above solar arc sequence times the period when Leonardo was actively involved as a military architect and engineer. On August 18, 1502, Cesare Borgia designated Leonardo as a “family architect and general engineer.” He was awarded a free passport to inspect fortifications and involve in military designs. During this period, he studied hydraulics, made maps, and designed military machines. At the end of the sequence, he was providing consultations for straightening the Arno river (July 1503). Mars/Aquarius in the 3rd house is a good match for these events.

    Expenses for Battle of Anghiari cartoon

    16-Jun-1504 c.s.a MC square Mars   
    11-Jul-1505 d.s.a Mars square MC  

    The Mars-MC solar arc sequence times the period when Leonardo was working on the Battle of Anghiari cartoon amid mounting expenses regarding the same. We have few important dates on record. On August 30, 1504, payments were recorded for iron wheels and parts for the scaffolding. In November and December, we see payment receipts for the purchase of paper and labor. The expenses continued in 1505 for the scaffolding, the last being April 30, 1505, where more assistants were involved in painting the mural. Leonardo has Mars in Aquarius conjunct the Lot of Fortune which indicates these expenses.

    Also relevant to this sequence is the introduction of Michelangelo to paint a complementary mural in the same space, the Battle of Cascina. This commission was awarded to him in August or September of 1504. Both men loathed each other and the tense working environment was probably one of the reasons why Leonardo didn’t complete the Battle of Anghiari.

    Primary Directions

    Mounting the Copper orb on Florence Cathedral dome

    PT   05-May-1470 (Jupiter/Libra) Saturn d. => MC 
    PT   04-Jun-1471 (Jupiter/Libra) Saturn (l=p) d.=> MC 

    This primary direction sequence occurred when Leonardo was working with Verocchio, his master, to mount the Copper orb on the Florence Cathedral dome. From records we know that between July 7 and October 10, 1470, soldering work on the copper orb (palla) involved the teenager Leonardo da Vinci as Verocchio’s assistant. The actual mounting took place on May 27, 1471, an engineering feat that Leonardo would later recall. On May 30, 1471, a cross was placed on the ball as people gathered and sang the Te Deum for the occasion.

    Saturn in exaltation in Libra in the 11th house and directed to the Midheaven matches this event perfectly.

    Charged with committing sodomy

    PT  09-Apr-1476 (Mercury/Scorpio) dex square Mars (l=p) c. => ASC    
    PT  07-Jun-1477 (Mercury/Scorpio) dex square Mars c. => ASC 

    On April 9, 1476, Leonardo was charged with committing sodomy and may have been imprisoned briefly. The court hearing was held two months later on June 7 and the case was eventually dropped due to lack of any evidence. This event did leave a deep scar on Leonardo, as he was just gaining some traction in his career.  The dexter square aspect of Mars lies in the bound of Mercury/Scorpio, which is placed in the 12th house.

    Letter from Milan Ambassadar

    PT   01-Aug-1488 (Saturn/Leo) opposed Mars (l=BI) c. => MC   
    PT   24-Jan-1489 (Saturn/Leo) opposed Mars c. => MC
    PT   17-Jul-1489 (Saturn/Leo) opposed Mars (l=p) c. => MC 

    In 1488, Leonardo was working on the enormous bronze Sforza horse, a monument meant to honor Duke Francesco. This primary direction sequence times the difficult period that Leonardo went through when his ability and skills were doubted, as his patron Ludovico Sforza sought additional architects from Florence.

    Specific to this sequence is a letter dated July 22, 1489 when the Milan ambassador Piero Alamanni wrote to Lorenzo de Medici in Florence that they sought “a master or two capable of doing such work.” Mars in Aquarius in the 3rd house is a match to this letter. Also relevant is that Mars rules the 5th house of ambassadors.

    French troops occupy Milan

    PT  04-Sep-1499 (Saturn/Leo) opposed Mars (l=BI) c. => Spirit   
    PT  29-Dec-1499 (Saturn/Leo) opposed Mars c. => Spirit
    PT  22-Apr-1500 (Saturn/Leo) opposed Mars (l=p) c. => Spirit

    This primary direction sequence times the period when French troops occupied Milan. The invasion began on September 9, 1499, and it was probably during this time Leonardo’s clay model of the Sforza Horse was destroyed. The Duke of Milan had already fled on September 2. In mid-December 1499, Leonardo transferred money to his bank account in Florence and left Milan. The Duke of Milan returned in February 1500, leading to his downfall at the battle of Novara on April 8.

    Fall of Ludovico Sforza

    PT  27-Jan-1500 (Mercury/Scorpio) dex square Mars (l=p) => MC   
    PT  19-Jul-1500 (Mercury/Scorpio) dex square Mars d. => MC

    Earlier we saw the dexter square of Mars directing to the Ascendant timing Leonardo’s sodomy charge. When the Midheaven was directed to the same aspect we see Ludovico Sforza, the Duke, returning to Milan in February 1500 and being captured and imprisoned. Leonardo had (most likely) collaborated with the French and the Duke’s return was not a good time for him to remain in Milan. Both the distributor (Mercury/Scorpio) and the placement (12th house) match this sequence of events.


    PT 04-Nov-1518 (Jupiter/Libra) Saturn c. => ASC
    PT 28-Mar-1520 (Jupiter/Libra) Saturn (l=p) c. => ASC   

    Death: May 2, 1519

    The primary direction of a malefic to the Ascendant is harmful to the native. In Leonardo da Vinci’s case, Saturn is the out-of-sect malefic.

    For more examples of ASC-malefic directions, read The First House.

    The rectification was carried out using a Gregorian calendar horoscope and adding a fixed offset of 9 days for the Julian calendar dates actually used during the period. For primary directions I am using calculations as described by Dr.H in his book, America is Born. The calculation methodology have been tested using Janus Astrology software as reference.

    Images on this page

    • leonado-da-vinci-rectified-birth-chart1: Chart created at