But modest Virgo’s Rays give polisht parts,
And fill Men’s Breasts with Honesty and Arts;
No tricks for Gain, nor love of Wealth dispense,
But piercing Thoughts, and winning Eloquence;
Marcus Manilius, Astronomica tr. Thomas Creech
- Element: Earth
- Modality: Mutable
- Ruler: Mercury
- Date: August 22 – September 21
- Symbol: Winged maiden holding palm branch in her right hand and an ear of grain in her left
Star Lore
The only explicitly female constellation of the Zodiac, Virgo is associated with the symbol of the Maiden. Despite connotations of youth and virginity, the term maiden can also refer to an unmarried woman of any age; that is, one possessing the fruits of womanhood who is in charge of oneself. Once including the stars now identified as the scales of Libra, the constellation aligned with the Sun during the fall harvest in the ancient Mediterranean, and thus has been associated with several harvest and fertility goddesses throughout history, including the grain goddess Ceres, Vesta and the vestal virgins, protector of the hearth and the eternal flame of Rome, and even the Virgin Mary.
The Maiden, often winged, is depicted holding a palm branch and an ear of grain. While the grain is a clear gesture to the fruits of the earth, the palm frond was a symbol of the Egyptian scribe god Thoth. Palms were sacred in ancient Mesopotamia and Egypt, providing fruit for consumption, fiber for weaving, and even writing utensils. In Greek, Roman, and later Christian symbolism, the palm frond came to represent victory, especially of the spirit over flesh—an appropriate symbol for a sign associated with purity, discernment, and moderation.

The Babylonians called the constellation Ab Sin, meaning “The Furrow”, evoking virgin land about to bear fruit. This is likely because the full moon in Virgo, occurring when the sun is in Pisces, occurred at the start of spring when the first shoots of crops emerged from the soil in ancient Mesopotamia. They associated Virgo with Niboba, a goddess of grain and writing who was eventually equated with Nabu, the scribe god and the personification of Mercury. The Maiden would later be associated with Ishtar and Demeter, both of whom experienced an exile in the underworld that provided a mythological explanation for the cycle of the seasons.
In addition to Demeter, some Greek authors linked the Maiden to Astrea, the last of the gods to leave the earth following the Golden Age of mankind. The goddess of justice and purity, she grew sick of humanity’s wickedness and warring and fled to the heavens. Her eventual return to Earth was said to herald a new Golden Age. The Roman astrologer Manilius connects the constellation to the myth of Erigone, the daughter of Icarus. After learning the secret of making wine from Dionysus, Icarus was murdered by villagers who wrongly thought he had poisoned the drink. Erigone, after being led to her father’s body by Maera, their faithful dog, hung herself in grief; the gods immortalized her in the stars next to her father, who became the constellation Boötes. Maera shines alongside them as the constellation Canis Minor.
The sixth sign of the zodiac, the mutable earth sign of Virgo is both the domicile and exaltation of Mercury. This double influence of Mercury grants the Maiden both a discerning intellect and a propensity for rapid movement. Similarly, the sign’s strong connection with the written word stretches back to the palm leaves of the Egyptian Thoth and the Mesopotamian Niboba. Conservative in the same sense as Capricorn, a fellow earth sign, Virgo’s primary drives reflect the activities of the harvest: gathering, sorting, taking stock, and storage. Just as ancient societies performed these tasks to survive the coming winter, the Maiden’s focus is to ensure that the job at hand can be completed with the resources available.
The intellectual clarity of this sign stems from a staid nature, a mind not easily clouded by passion. While both Gemini and Virgo are associated with minutiae and the activity of gathering, the Twins are motivated by an insatiable curiosity, making no value judgment on the information they have compiled. The Maiden, however, takes a more analytical approach, evaluating each tidbit carefully and discarding that which is not essential. Whereas an idealistic air sign might exhaust themselves with flights of fancy, Virgo, ever the realist, focuses their intellectual power on plans that can be actualized, however minute.

The two benefics are ill at ease in Virgo. Jupiter is in detriment here, as the planet of largesse may feel cramped or inhibited in a sign so devoted to detail. Venus, meanwhile, is in her fall, as the practical and staid nature of Virgo is quite contrary to the excess of romance and pleasure favored by Venus. This underlines the difference between the Maiden and its opposite sign: while Venus in Virgo would rather be alone than with the wrong person, Venus in Pisces might think just about anyone is the “right” person. Venus in Virgo types tend to show love through help, support, and a healthy dose of constructive criticism. While individuals that resonate with the sign may be just as passionate or emotional as any other, their priorities lie with their responsibilities and their routine. An amorous Leo or Libra may choose to run off and pursue their fancy; a practical Virgo will forego their chance at a whirlwind romance if it interferes with their day-to-day routine and responsibilities.
In the struggle to conceptualize mutable earth, some authors have suggested the image of shifting sands; despite its mythological associations with grain and fertility, the Maiden is traditionally a barren sign. The melancholic, or cold and dry, temperament of earth aligns well with the season of autumn, so another image might be that of soil loosened by farming implements. An earthy whole made up of countless tiny and shifting parts is a useful conceptualization for Virgo, whose mutability evokes an odd dual sense of stability and instability, dependability and changeability.
While Virgos are not necessarily the neat freaks stereotypes make them out to be, many that resonate with this sign have a knack for organization. There is likely a method behind the madness of even the messiest Virgo. Whereas an overambitious Sagittarius might shoot for the stars and land on the Moon, the Virgo knows exactly what they can and cannot do with the resources at hand. Their reputation for perfectionism is tied to the high standards they set for themselves, especially when it comes to work, and their disdain for carelessness or cutting corners means they often expect the same level of excellence from those around them. This comes from an innate sense of duty—the Maiden takes their responsibilities seriously, even if they did not take them on willingly. More high-strung Virgos may even harp on the responsibilities of others, much to the chagrin of more easy-going types.
An attention to detail and a dedication to a job well done make Virgos well-suited for the burdens of leadership. However, unlike charismatic Leo or ambitious Capricorn, Virgos rarely court positions of power. Instead, they gravitate toward supporting roles, places where they can maintain the essential, everyday structure of things, and keep things ticking. Virgos draw their sense of self-worth from their capacity for service, whether to an idea, an organization, or their fellow human beings. Strongly principled, they practice what they preach. Gentle and considerate, a Virgo expects the same from those around them, and what they see as helpful advice is easily misconstrued as criticism.
Tied to the Maiden’s reputation for purity and the cold nature of the element of earth, Virgos tend toward restraint and modesty. This modesty, however, can serve as what Manilius terms “the best of Vices, yet ‘tis still a Vice.” However capable, the standard Virgo tends to reserve their harshest criticism for themselves, and this tendency can be downright self-effacing. Many may turn down credit where credit is due; others may nip a dream in the bud because it seems too farfetched, or pass up on opportunities so as not to risk the structure of the life they currently enjoy. Not gamblers by nature, few Virgos would willingly risk the bird in the hand, no matter how many are in the bush.

Traditionally ruling the large and small intestines, the sign of Virgo is associated with gut feelings and intuition. This inwardly focused energy is portrayed in the sign’s glyph, with the final loop curling in on itself. While an excess of energy in the gut can make for plenty of tummy troubles, it is also the seat of good judgment. Virgos have a reputation as hypochondriacs, but at the root of this tendency is a focus on wellness. The Virgo archetype strives for harmony and moderation, both in body and mind. In line with the sign’s mercurial significations, Virgos typically have at least a passing interest in medicine and health, making fastidious doctors and nurses because of their propensity for dispassionate care. Some may also be drawn to holistic or herbal medicine, thanks to the earthy nature of the Maiden. The capacity to sort the wheat from the chaff can also make for skilled editors or writers—Charles Dickens is one famous example of a wordsmith with Ascendant in Virgo.
As the wheel of the year turns to autumn, the nights grow longer and the threat of winter looms. The Maiden assesses the fruits of summer, gathering, storing, and planning for the hard times ahead. Fastidious, discerning, and detail-oriented, she is willing to deal with the minutiae others might hesitate to take on and remains fully aware of the gravity of her duty. She is most realized, however, when she can turn a discerning eye to dispassionately assess her own talents, and find harmony between body and mind, between the material and the intellectual.
- Astraea: Wikipedia
- Star lore of the Constellations, skyscript.co.uk
- Virgo: the Maiden by Deborah Houlding
- Manilius on the 12 Signs, Jim Eshelman
- The Contemporary Astrologer’s Handbook, Sue Tompkins
- Christian astrology, William Lilly
- Anthologies, Vettius Valens
- Introduction to Astrology, Abu Mashar
Images on this page
- virgo-month-august: Engraving by A. Collaert after Hans Bol, 1585 | Public Domain Mark 1.0
- virgo-iskandar: Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis | CC BY 4.0 International
- virgo-mikalojus-1907: Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis | public domain
- sidney-hall-virgo: Sidney Hall | public domain