Saturn leads the morning procession this month as it rises before the Sun, followed by Mars, Jupiter, and Venus. Venus moved to Aries on May 2. The dreamy Venus in Pisces is replaced by a fiery Venus, which might be a welcome change as it sextiles Mercury in Gemini on May 6. The Mercury-Venus alliance is typically beneficial, but Mercury in Gemini is the trickster and Venus is in detriment in Aries.
The Sun, which entered Taurus on April 20, has been pursuing Mars since then and on May 7, the Taurus Sun will complete his sextile with Pisces Mars.
Mercury, which has been visible in the western sky, will make his last appearance on May 8 before turning retrograde on May 10. Jupiter enters Aries to join Venus on May 10 as well. This should be a significant day.
On May 15, the Sun in Taurus squares Saturn in Aquarius. This fixed sign square involving the Sun and the greater malefic is a nasty one. The sign of Taurus is close to nature and the earth and abhors the modern scientific innovations signified by Saturn in Aquarius.

On May 16 we have a Full Moon in Scorpio. The Full Moon occurs close to the lunar nodes and hence we have a lunar eclipse on this date. This is a total lunar eclipse occurring at 25SCO17’ (bound Saturn/Scorpio) and visible in South/West Europe, South/West Asia, Africa, much of North America, South America, Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, and Antarctica.
The eclipse is a South Node lunar eclipse. South Node lunar eclipses are not favorable to the public and can indicate group protests. South Node eclipses decrease the affairs promised by the eclipse’s bound. Saturn/Scorpio, the eclipse’s bound, is an indicator of fear, paranoia, security concerns, and conspiracy theories.
The bound ruler Saturn himself is in rulership in Aquarius and squares the eclipse. Technology, science, electric and water engineering could be involved to quash fears or security concerns. Perhaps the most striking feature of this eclipse chart is the generosity between Jupiter and Mars. Jupiter is in Mars’ sign, Aries, and Mars is in Jupiter’s sign, Pisces. As they don’t see each other, this combination promises a fiery martyr tendency, perhaps an attack or protests citing security concerns. Mars rules the eclipse sign and Mars/Pisces signifies a martyr, while Jupiter in Aries is ever ready for a war. Things don’t look good.
On May 19 Jupiter in Aries sextiles Mercury in Gemini and the Sun enters Gemini on May 20. The next day, May 21, the Sun meets Mercury for his inferior conjunction. This cazimi event happens in the bound of Mercury/Gemini. The very next day, May 22, Mercury retrograde ingresses into Taurus.
On May 23 we have two significant aspects. The Sun will sextile Jupiter first followed by Mars sextiling Mercury. We have already noted the generosity between Jupiter and Mars and the fact that they don’t see each other. It appears that the Sun and Mercury provide the necessary connection, with Mercury separating from (and ruling) the Sun and applying to Mars, and the Sun applying to Jupiter.
On May 24 Venus in Aries sextiles Saturn in Aquarius. On the same day, Mars ingresses into Aries. Now we have 3 planets in Aries – Venus, Jupiter, and Mars.
Venus enters Taurus on May 28 and we should get a slight change in focus from the heavy Aries energy. But the very next day, May 29, Mars and Jupiter are conjunct in Aries. The conjunction takes place in the bound Jupiter/Aries, a very fiery combination. On May 30, we get a New Moon in Gemini, in the bound of Jupiter/Gemini.
The North Node moves from bound Saturn/Taurus to Jupiter/Taurus on May 23. The South Node stays in the bound Jupiter/Scorpio this month.
The Jupiter ingress into Aries and the total lunar eclipse are the highlights of this month. There is a high dose of Aries energy with Mars and Jupiter setting up a generosity and Mars later moving into Aries as well. This month might be a good time to quash our fears and be bold and get things moving. Be careful, though, as the energy looks to get out of control and it might be difficult to rein it in or channel it properly. The fear and paranoia bound of the protesting South Node eclipse, Saturn/Scorpio, is a concern too. A Mercury retrograde adds to the confusion. The end of the month should provide a respite with Venus moving into Taurus and the New Moon in Gemini.
Here is the full summary of events (New York time/GMT-4):
- 2-May-2022 12:11 PM – Venus enters Aries
- 6-May-2022 2:00 AM – Venus/Aries sextiles Mercury/Gemini
- 7-May-2022 5:47 AM – Sun/Taurus sextiles Mars/Pisces
- 8-May-2022 – Mercury’s last day of appearance in western sky
- 10-May-2022 – Mercury/Gemini Retrograde begins
- 10-May-2022 7:22 PM – Jupiter enters Aries
- 13-May-2022 3:10 AM – Sun conjuncts North Node in Taurus (bound Saturn/Taurus)
- 15-May-2022 2:48 PM – Sun/Taurus squares Saturn/Aquarius
- 16-May-2022 0:13 AM – Total Lunar Eclipse in 25SCO17’ (bound Saturn/Scorpio)
- 19-May-2022 9:32 AM – Jupiter/Aries sextiles Mercury/Gemini
- 20-May-2022 9:23 PM – Sun enters Gemini
- 21-May-2022 3:17 PM – Cazimi Gemini Mercury – Inferior Conjunction (bound Mercury/Gemini)
- 22-May-2022 9:16 PM – Mercury-Rx enters Taurus
- 23-May-2022 – North Node moves to bound Jupiter/Taurus
- 23-May-2022 7:04 AM – Sun/Gemini sextiles Jupiter/Aries
- 23-May-2022 11:26 PM – Mars/Pisces sextiles Mercury/Taurus
- 24-May-2022 7:05 AM – Venus/Aries sextiles Saturn/Aquarius
- 24-May-2022 7:18 PM – Mars enters Aries
- 28-May-2022 10:46 AM – Venus enters Taurus
- 29-May-2022 6:30 AM – Mars/Aries conjuncts Jupiter/Aries (bound Jupiter/Aries)
- 30-May-2022 7:30 AM – New Moon in 9GEM03′ (bound Jupiter/Gemini)
Thanks to for planetary information. Thanks to Dr. H for eclipse delineation education.