As we enter March 2022, Mars and Venus are close together and will continue to dominate the eastern sky. It is easy to spot them in the early morning. The exact conjunction took place on Feb. 16 in the sign of Capricorn (bound Venus/Capricorn).
On March 2, Mercury conjuncts Saturn in Aquarius (18AQU59’). The conjunction takes place in the bound of Jupiter/Aquarius. This is the second of the three Saturn-Mercury conjunction series in Aquarius (the first conjunction happened on Jan. 9, 2021, the third is expected on March 2, 2023). It might be difficult to see this conjunction. Saturn makes his heliacal rising around March 4, so one could wait and try to spot the conjunction. By March 12, Saturn will be clearly visible in the morning sky.
This heliacal rising of Saturn in the sign of Aquarius will revive things promised by the Jupiter-Saturn conjunction in Aquarius that occurred on Dec. 21, 2020, in the bound Mercury/Aquarius. Note that the same three planets are involved—Jupiter (as the bound lord of the Mercury-Saturn conjunction), Mercury, and Saturn.
On March 2, we have a New Moon in Pisces (12PIS06’) in the bound Jupiter/Pisces. Jupiter himself is in Pisces in the same bound. Starting on Feb. 12, it became difficult to spot Jupiter on the western skies as he was moving under the Sun’s rays. In March he is combust and will be the conjunct the Sun on March 5.
The Mars-Venus battle, which began with their conjunction in Capricorn, is now complete, re-igniting with a change in focus to Aquarian themes. Both Mars and Venus will enter Aquarius on March 5. Venus gains speed and the two will be conjunct again in Aquarius (0AQU01’) in the bound of Mercury/Aquarius. Now we should be able to spot four planets before sunrise in the eastern sky—Mars, Venus, Saturn, and Mercury.

Mercury enters Pisces on March 8, where he can still be spotted in the eastern morning sky. By March 20, he will be difficult to see. Mercury meets Jupiter on March 21. The conjunction takes place at 18PIS45’ in the bound of Mercury/Pisces.. On March 27, Mercury will enter the sign of Aries.
On March 20 the Sun enters Aries and signals the beginning of spring. The Sun is exalted in the sign of Aries and beginning on this day the length of the day will increase.
On March 20, Venus will also have her greatest elongation. She continues her journey in Aquarius and will meet Saturn on March 28. The conjunction takes place at 21AQU44’ (bound Mars/Aquarius). Like the Saturn-Mercury conjunction, this is also the second of a series of three Saturn-Venus conjunctions in Aquarius (the first occurred on Feb. 6, 2021, the third is expected on Jan. 22, 2023).
Most of the action this month takes place in the sign of Aquarius and Pisces. Notice what houses Aquarius and Pisces fall in your birth chart and any planets placed in them. These house themes will be prominent this month.
Saturn seems to dominate the focus this month as he makes his appearance in the skies after six weeks (he made his last appearance in the western sky around mid-January 2021).
Any election based on Jupiter should probably wait until early April when he makes his first appearance on the eastern sky. Venus, although having great visibility, is having a tough time as she is besieged by the malefics, transferring light from Mars to Saturn. Also, be aware that Mars will be closing in on Saturn and the conjunction will take place early next month.
This month, the North Node stays in the bound of Saturn/Taurus, and the South Node in the bound Saturn/Scorpio.
Here is the full summary of events (time zone is New York (EST) time):
- 16-Feb-2022 9:28 AM Mars-Venus conjunction 15CAP53′
- 2-Mar-2022 11:32 AM Mercury-Saturn conjunction 18AQ59′
- 2-Mar-2022 12:34 PM New Moon in Pisces 12PIS06′
- 4-Mar-2022 Saturn heliacal rising
- 5-Mar-2022 9:06 AM Jupiter conjunct Sun 14PIS48′
- 6-Mar-2022 Mars enters Aquarius, bound Mercury/Aquarius
- 6-Mar-2022 Venus enters Aquarius, bound Mercury/Aquarius
- 6-Mar-2022 2:12 AM Mars conjunct Venus 0AQU01′
- 7-Mar-2022 7:11 AM Mercury (26AQU03′) square Nodes
- 8-Mar-2022 Mercury slightly difficult to see
- 8-Mar-2022 Mercury enters Pisces
- 12-Mar-2022 Saturn average visibility
- 12-Mar-2022 Saturn enters bound Mars/Aquarius
- 13-Mar-2022 Venus is in its own bound in Aquarius
- 15-Mar-2022 Mars enters bound Venus/Aquarius
- 18-Mar-2022 3:17 AM Full Moon in Virgo 27VIR39′
- 20-Mar-2022 Sun enters Aries
- 20-Mar-2022 Venus at her greatest elongation
- 20-Mar-2022 Venus is in bound Jupiter/Aquarius
- 21-Mar-2022 Mercury difficult to see
- 21-Mar-2022 Mercury conjuncts Jupiter 18PIS45′ (bound Mercury/Pisces)
- 22-Mar-2022 Jupiter enters bound Mars/Pisces
- 23-Mar-2022 Mars is in bound Jupiter/Aquarius
- 23-Mar-2022 Venus is in bound Mars/Aquarius
- 28-Mar-2022 3:27 PM Saturn-Venus Conjunction 21AQU44
- 31-Mar-2022 1:15 PM Venus (24AQU46′) square Nodes
- 4-Apr-2022 9:51 PM Saturn-Mars conjunction 22AQU24′
Thanks to and for planetary information.