The birth chart of a person shows the location of the planets in the circle of the zodiac at the place and moment of birth. Natal astrology looks at condition of planets in birth charts and their house placements to determine life patterns and themes.
We can determine important areas of life that are in focus and provide guidance for the future based on various predictive techniques.
You need to know your exact time of birth to book a natal reading. If you have an approximate time of birth within 10-15 minutes accuracy, that could work as well.
My approach
I follow traditional techniques in interpreting a birth chart. This involves focusing on the 7 traditional planets, traditional rulership, using the mean nodes and the important Arabic parts, the part of Fortune and the part of Spirit.
A large part of my technique involves analyzing the condition of the planets using traditional methods similar to what Demetra George outlines in her two volumes on Ancient Astrology.
What you will get in the report
The birth chart report will contain
- Analysis of the condition of all planets in the birth chart based on sect, essential dignity, solar phase, house placements, aspects, configurations and rulership.
- Exploration of life patterns and themes as shown in the birth chart
- A guidance for the near future (around 2 years), what one can expect and what areas of life will be in focus.
The guidance will be based primarily on three important time lord techniques – Firdaria, Profections and Zodiacal Releasing from Spirit.
I usually take around 2 to 3 weeks to complete preparing your report. Once the report is prepared I will email you the PDF file.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at
The cost of the birth chart report is $175
To book a reading, complete the payment through the below link and email me with below details at
Information I need from you
To calculate your birth chart, following details are required
- Your birth date – month, day and year (example: January 14, 1975)
- Location of birth – city, state, country
- Exact time of birth (example: 3:54 AM)
The time of birth is very important to calculate and interpret a birth chart. When you send me your birth details please specify the source of your birth time and how accurate you think it is.
Additionally, if you want me to focus on certain areas of your life in the report, do let me know.
After completing the payment using the above link, send me the details at
If you are a returning customer and want guidance for upcoming 1-2 years using traditional predictive astrology techniques – Firdaria, Profections (along with solar returns) and Zodiacal Releasing from Spirit, the cost is $125. Please use the below link.
Satya has provided outstanding, sharp, and clean service. The level of depth and understanding at which he has looked at my birth chart is unparalleled. Satya helped me to understand the key issues shown in my birth chart and has illuminated my pathway. The reading really added clarity to my life allowing me to understand my challenges and strengths and how best to play them.
I am incredibly grateful for the professionalism, clarity, and care, and I will be sure to come back.
– Rosh
I reached out to Satya for a natal chart report and it exceeded all expectations. Satya provided a breakdown of the condition of each of the planets based on several different qualifying factors and how these aspects interact with each other. The tables and charts are clear and concise and easy to understand. Satya examined periods/events throughout my life and explained how various astrological aspects impacted my life. The report finished with a future projection that showed where certain planetary energies may arise and how best to navigate them according to my own goals.
The report was easy to understand and provided a wealth of useful information. If I am a ship then Satya is a lighthouse, illuminating the waters that I traverse.
– Duncan G
Wanna know yourself?
Satya’s report unlocked so much revelations, every page thoroughly detailed, connecting the dots and helping me understand foundational patterns and potentially making it easier to navigate upcoming cycles.
I’m humbled by the knowledge received and will suggest people to do themselves the favor and get in touch with Satya, one of the best gift you can make for yourself, your friends & loved ones.
–Vincent D